150 donors and about 70 liters of blood products – the outcome of a blood donation action organized by AMSR
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The days of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy were also marked this year by a blood donation action, organized by the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova (AMSR). The action took place on October 20, 2022 and was attended by medical students and students from other educational institutions of the capital, thus showing solidarity with the national campaign Donate Blood, be a Hero! launched by the National Blood Transfusion Center.
AMSR representative Marian Costas stated that a total of 150 donors participated, who offered around 70 liters of blood products. ”It has already become a tradition to organize the campaign Donate Blood, be a Hero! – a noble action by which all participants indirectly save lives. It is also a way to promote blood donation in general and to encourage those who are still hesitating for some reason”, specified the student. Paraphrasing the words of physicist Albert Einstein, the medical student stated that "what we do for ourselves is temporary, what we do for others remains for eternity!” and what could be more honorable than offering hope and saving lives?!”
Doina Banari, deputy medical director at the National Blood Transfusion Center, emphasized that ”the needs of blood transfusion therapy are fully covered, however the request for blood products is continuous, because we cannot procure them from pharmacies, we can only get them from blood donors. It is due to these social actions that we can maintain the reserves of blood products to ensure the needs of the country’s healthcare institutions. For this year, the need for almost 70 thousand blood donations has been estimated”.
Among the donors of this edition, we met several Indian students. Mohammed Rabeeh is a 5th year student at Faculty of Medicine No. 2 and proved to be a faithful donor. He participates in all actions organized by AMSR on a yearly basis, noting that ”it is a pleasure for me to help someone”.
His colleague Aslam Nazeer, who is at his first blood donation, appreciated the event as a pleasant action that empowers youth to do good things.
Alexandru Bivol, a student at the National College of Commerce of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, learned about the blood donation action from a friend – a student at our university, and decided to participate for the first time, especially after he had been informed about the benefits of donating blood. In the end, the student was extremely satisfied with his decision and the idea that his blood could help someone gave him soul satisfaction and courage for the future.
After the event, the administration of the National Blood Transfusion Center sent a message of gratitude, and appreciation to Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy for the responsible participation of students and teaching staff in the blood donation action. The letter emphasizes that "the continuous promotion of voluntary blood donation is appreciated in the transfusion policy as the basic condition for harmless transfusion security, the expected objective being to change the attitude of the community towards blood donation, regarding it as a civil act of value, while the participation of students – future doctors – is an example for the entire society".
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